Properly maintaining our trees and green spaces is vitally important to our community. Our trees and green spaces provide numerous benefits, including increasing property values, reducing energy costs, and improving air quality.
We need a smart, proactive Urban Forest Master Plan to address the challenges of maintaining our trees and green spaces. This plan should include strategies for:
- Tree pruning and harvesting
- Tree planting and replacement
- Invasive species identification and eradication
- Community engagement
- Climate change adaptation
- Land use and zoning
- Infrastructure development
- Balancing aesthetics with functionality
Addressing these challenges will require the cooperation of all stakeholders, including residents, businesses, and government agencies. By working together, we can ensure the sustainable preservation of our trees and green spaces for generations to come.
As a long-standing small business owner and entrepreneur, I recognize the important role that small businesses play in cultivating a flourishing community.
We must do everything we can to support our existing business owners and attract new companies to our city. Not big-box stores like McDonald's and Walmart, but quality, unique businesses that provide goods and services that our community wants and needs. Local businesses are a significant contributor to our annual budget, offer convenience, contribute to our area's cultural fabric, create jobs, and forge a connection among neighbors, making Fairway an even more vibrant place to call home.
I believe that my experience as a business executive would be an asset to the City Council. I have a proven track record of strategic planning, financial acumen, leadership, problem-solving, and community engagement.
Specifically, I would use my skills to:
- Develop a strategic plan for the city that supports small businesses and attracts new investment.
- Oversee the city's finances in a responsible and efficient manner.
- Lead the city council in addressing complex challenges and finding creative solutions.
- Engage with constituents and promote transparency in government.
I am confident that I can use my skills and experience to make a positive difference for the City of Fairway. I would be honored to have your vote on Election Day.
The latest Fairway Citizen Satisfaction Survey showed that our city received high marks for the quality of city services and maintenance of streets, buildings, and facilities. However, this survey was taken over four years ago, and the environmental challenges we face today are rapidly evolving.
I believe that we need to invest in our infrastructure to ensure that it is resilient to climate change and meets the needs of our community for generations to come. This includes investing in stormwater and flood mitigation, reliable utilities, streets, bridges, and sewers.
Prudent investments in infrastructure are critical for a number of reasons, including:
- Long-term savings
- Enhanced resilience
- Quality of life
- Economic growth
- Public safety
- Environmental sustainability
I am committed to working with city council members, staff, and residents to develop a plan that will invest in our infrastructure and ensure that Fairway is a thriving community for generations to come.
I believe that by opening up communication and involving residents in decision-making, we can create a more inclusive and responsive local government.
Here are some specific examples of how I would implement these ideas:
- I would create an open data portal where residents can access city data and analytics.
- I would create a social media strategy for the city council that includes regular updates and opportunities for residents to participate in discussions.
- I would establish a citizen advisory board for each ward of the city. These boards would be made up of community members who would provide insights and suggestions on specific topics or projects.
- I would organize workshops and forums on a variety of topics, such as transportation, economic development, and education. These workshops would be open to all residents and would provide an opportunity for them to learn about the issues and share their ideas.
- I would conduct surveys on a regular basis to gather residents' opinions on various issues. This feedback would be used to inform decision-making.
- I would partner with community associations and local organizations to hold neighborhood meetings. These meetings would give residents a chance to learn about what is happening in their neighborhoods and to share their concerns.
I believe that by taking these steps, we can create a more open and inclusive city government that is responsive to the needs of all residents.
5610 Chadwick Rd
Fairway, KS 66205
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